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2023 Wild Card Playoffs

NFL assigns officiating crews for the 2023-24 Wild Card Playoffs

The six referees for Wild Card Weekend have been announced.



Football Zebras has confirmed the officiating crews for the Wild Card Playoffs. This is the fourth year of the expanded playoff system with six Wild Card Playoff games.

In 2020, the NFL moved to five alternates for the early postseason rounds, which will continue this season. The alternate officials are a referee, an umpire, a line of scrimmage official (down judge or line judge), a deep wing official (field judge or side judge), and a back judge. Officials who have alternate assignments are still eligible for an on-field assignment in the Divisional Playoffs or Conference Championships. Past practice is that the on-field Wild Card officials do not work another on-field assignment, although it is possible to see a double assignment for some isolated reasons. In any event, none of the officials listed here, including the alternates, would be receiving a Super Bowl assignment, other than as an alternate.

All times are Eastern. The prior playoff experience that is listed for the crew chief includes his service as an NFL official, including as referee and any other crew position (excluding alternate assignments).

Saturday, Jan. 13

AFC Wild Card: Browns at Texans, 4:30 p.m. NBC Peacock

Clay Martin is the referee, who is in his 9th season and 6th as referee. This is Martin’s 5th postseason assignment, including 4 Wild Card Playoffs and a Divisional Playoff.

Yrs2023 crewCollegeOccupation
R19Clay Martin9 Oklahoma Baptistretired high school administrator and basketball coach
U110Tab Slaughter4EckArkansas Statechief operating officer
DJ11Fred Bryan15EckNorthern Iowasuperintendent, juvenile correctional facility
LJ98Greg Bradley15MartinTennesseechemical engineer
FJ80Alonzo Ramsey2MartinHowardbanking
SJ107Dave Hawkshaw5MartinJustice Institute of British Columbiafirefighter, former CFL official
BJ119Greg Wilson16MartinUSCretired police officer
ROBrian Matoren19MartinFloridawriter/producer
RABryant Thompson1Martin
ALTRScott Novak10 Phoenixsales manager
ALTUTony Michalek22BlakeIndianachief executive officer
ALTLJCarl Johnson20HusseyNicholls Stateretired sales manager, former full-time official
ALTSJEugene Hall10CheffersNorth Texasfederal agent
ALTBJMatt Edwards6HusseyWestern Michiganhealthcare sales

AFC Wild Card: Dolphins at Chiefs, 8:15 p.m. Peacock

Brad Rogers is the referee, who is in his 7th season and 5th as referee. This is Rogers’s 2nd postseason assignment, and his first as referee. His first assignment, a Divisional Playoff, was as a field judge.

Yrs2023 crewCollegeOccupation
R126Brad Rogers7 Lubbock Christiancollege professor
U128Ramon George8RogersLenoir-Rhynefinancial underwriter
DJ79Kent Payne20RogersNebraska Wesleyanagribusinessman
LJ16Kevin Codey9RogersWestern New Englandmiddle school physical education teacher
FJ23Tra Boger2NovakTulaneassistant principal
SJ58Don Willard6BlakeIllinois Statephysical therapist
BJ111Terrence Miles16NovakArizona Statequality control manager
ROMatt Sumstine6NovakPhoenixreal estate
RATim England2Novak
ALTRClete Blakeman16 Nebraskaattorney
ALTURoy Ellison21HillSavannah StateIT engineer
ALTDJDanny Short7KempNorth Carolina-Charlotteexecutive director, global sales operations
ALTSJDavid Meslow13NovakAugsburg Collegesales executive
ALTBJTony Josselyn6TorbertEastern Kentuckyprobation officer

Sunday, Jan. 14

NFC Wild Card: Packers at Cowboys, 4:30 p.m. Fox

Ron Torbert is the referee, who is in his 14th season and 10th as referee. This is Torbert’s 12th postseason assignment, including 4 Wild Card Playoffs, 6 Divisional Playoffs, 1 Conference Championship, and Super Bowl LVI.

Yrs2023 crewCollegeOccupation
R62Ron Torbert14 Michigan Stateattorney
U92Bryan Neale10SmithIndianasales consultant
DJ21Max Causey2TorbertLouisiana Techfinancial advisor
LJ10Julian Mapp15BlakemanGrambling Statesoftware quality assurance tester
FJ25Ryan Dickson7TorbertUtahcommercial real estate developer
SJ114Dominique Pender4ClarkHowardtrade support, finance and banking
BJ30Todd Prukop15BlakeCal State-Fullertonmedical sales representative
ROJamie Nicholson6HusseyFerris Stateteacher
RARALarry Hill Jr.2HusseyHamptonjudge
ALTRJohn Hussey22 Idaho Statesales representative
ALTUPaul King15ClarkNichols Collegeteacher
ALTDJSarah Thomas9AllenMobilesales representative
ALTFJRick Patterson28AllenWoffordbanker
ALTBJGreg Yette14AllenHowarddefense contractor

NFC Wild Card: Rams at Lions, 8:15 p.m. NBC Peacock

Craig Wrolstad is the referee, who is in his 21st season and 10th as referee. This is his 14th postseason assignment, including 7 Wild Card Playoffs, 4 Divisional Playoffs, 2 Conference Championships, and Super Bowl XLVII. His Super Bowl assignment was as a field judge.

Yrs2023 crewCollegeOccupation
R4Craig Wrolstad21 Washingtonathletic director
U131Mark Pellis10NovakAlleghenyfinancial advisor
DJ48Jim Mello20WrolstadNortheasternfacilities manager
LJ37Tripp Sutter5WrolstadNebraskabiopharmaceutical rep
FJ60Jeff Shears2WrolstadDenverprofessor
SJ104Dale Shaw11EckAlleghenypharmaceutical sales
BJ82Jimmy Russell5VinovichPasco Hernando Stateinsurance agent
ROKevin Stine6WrolstadAlabama-Birminghamregional sales manager
RAGavin Anderson5WrolstadGreen Riverpolice officer
ALTRAlex Kemp10 Central Michiganinsurance agent
ALTUBruce Stritesky18ͺ[swing]Embry Riddleairline pilot
ALTDJJerod Phillips8MartinNortheastern Statereal estate agent
ALTSJKeith Washington16TorbertVirginia Military Instituteprogram financial analyst
ALTBJGreg Meyer22EckTexas Christianbanker

Monday, Jan. 15

AFC Wild Card: Steelers at Bills, 4:30 p.m. CBS Paramount+

Carl Cheffers is the referee, who is in his 24th season and 16th as referee. This is Cheffers’s 19th postseason assignment, including 6 Wild Card Playoffs, 7 Divisional Playoffs, 3 Conference Championships, and Super Bowls LI, LV, and LVII. All of his Super Bowl assignments were as a referee.

This game was rescheduled from Sunday afternoon due to a snow emergency.

Yrs2023 crewCollegeOccupation
R51Carl Cheffers24 California-Irvinesales manager
U22Brandon Cruse2CheffersSouth Dakota School of Mines & Technologymanagement consultant
DJ63Mike Carr7CheffersWisconsinathletic director
LJ87Tom Eaton4CheffersCentral Floridafiscal manager
FJ26Jabir Walker9ClarkMurray Statemiddle school teacher
SJ41Boris Cheek28AllenMorgan Stateretired director of operations and management
BJ120Jonah Monroe9BlakemanArkansasengineer
ROKevin Brown5CheffersPurdueretired air traffic controller
RAGerald Frye4EckGannonveterinarian
ALTRBrad Allen10 Pembroke Statenon-profit CEO
ALTUAlex Moore2VinovichSt. Petersburgcompliance manager
ALTDJTom Stephan25ClarkPittsburg Stateretired business broker
ALTSJJim Quirk13HillMiddleburyfinancial advisor
ALTBJScott Helverson21KempIowasales, printing and promotions

NFC Wild Card: Eagles at Buccaneers, 8:15 p.m. ABC ESPN ESPN2 ESPN+

Adrian Hill is the referee, who is in his 14th season and 5th as referee. This is Hill’s 5th postseason assignment, including 4 Wild Card Playoffs and a Divisional Playoff.

Yrs2023 crewCollegeOccupation
R29Adrian Hill14 Buffaloaerospace software engineer
U42Duane Heydt2AllenSouth Carolinastatistician and real-estate investor
DJ24David Oliver7HillBakerinformation systems manager
LJ75Mark Stewart6NovakPittsburg Staterancher
FJ31Mearl Robinson7HillAir Forceretired U.S. Air Force instructor
SJ99Lo van Pham2BlakemanColoradoengineer/project manager
BJ12Greg Steed21HillHowardcomputer systems analyst
RORoddy Ames6HillColby Collegeattorney
RAJoe Wollan4HillSt. Thomasrecruiting
ALTRLand Clark6 Sevier Valley Techchief building official
ALTUSteve Woods7WrolstadWabashfinancial advisor
ALTDJPatrick Turner10BlakeCal State-Long Beachplant manager
ALTFJJoe Blubaugh4VinovichPittsburg Stateregional sales manager
ALTBJRich Martinez10HochuliCanisiussales manager